Friday, December 26, 2008

Our former professor, Dr. Tamara Cher Mercado told us that we were expected to make and implement a system of a certain company/establishment required in the course System Analysis and Design 1 commonly known as SAD1.

The system:

How we arrive with this proposal?
My younger brother (one of the tutor in the said center) once told me about their way of record keeping, payroll,etc. Me, as a Computer Science student, found it really interesting. Payroll use only basic mathematical operations but what bothered me most is that the system must be reliable in such a way that it will operate from the basic informations to the everyday transactions. Me, together with my three(3) group mates agreed to develop the At Home with Sensei tutorial center's System. The said project does not only focus more about on the payroll but rather it dwells also on the day-to-day negotiation of the center. One of those is the logging in&out of the tutor, how will the the system handle if the tutor is a reliever, keeping the monthly record for year or even years, the income of the tutor that will depend on the rate of the tutee, and other things that could a tutorial center might encounter. The system isn't that simple, I should say. And fortunately, Dr. Mercado allowed us to start our proposal. Headstrong, we started from then on.

Is it worth it?

Before 2008 welcomes 2009 Dr. Tamara said 'babye' to SAD1 subject that we are now under to Dr. Randy S. Gamboa's class(advisory). Tension rises. :). Yet we never lose hope. To the question 'Is it worth the three or more years of learnings we get from the university?' I definitely say YES.
For almost four(4) years, being a student of Computer Science in USEP is not more on developing only our knowledge, hence the values and wisdom are also one of the element of it. I believe, attaining a system in a wrong way is worse than having a simple yet reliable one. What I want to say is that, our proposed system might be common or simple or whatever as long as we make it from the smallest informations to the largest details, it is more than anything else.

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